Saturday, July 25, 2009

My friend's nan's birthday.?

What can she buy her? She is very old, blind and deaf. Not keen on chox, flowers and has got enough booze to sink the titanic. Any ideas?

My friend's nan's birthday.?
hiya what about these?

Some really nice handcream

some perfume

a nice piece of clothing

some slippers

hope this helps xxxxx
Reply:Woods of Windsor Hand lotion
Reply:a party for her
Reply:Take her out for a meal.
Reply:Offer to take her on an outing of her choice. She may need some suggestions put to her as in a visit to friends or family, a little shopping, just a run in the car on a sunny day feeling the sun on her face and it's amazing LOL but it's true the number of old people that would like just to go to their church again.
Reply:i wanted to say perfume, but its already said
Reply:a coffin

make up

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