Monday, August 3, 2009

You can never know, can i get some girls' opinions on these earings or what to give for my girl's birthday?

Well I only checked kay's because thats the only jewelry store i know. I want to get these emerald earings (birthstone) for her but i'm not sure if she would like them, or if there could be better. Could you let me know if you know a nice jewelry site to go to and which earings you would like if these aren't too good? I'm going simple to be safe. Heres the website:

Thank you everyone for your help =) please be honest too and if theres any other ideas let me know, at first i was thinking about sending her flowers but this looked like a nicer idea. (Its a long distance relationship too if that changes anything for someone)

You can never know, can i get some girls' opinions on these earings or what to give for my girl's birthday?
I think those are really pretty. They'll look even better when she flips open the box and sees the beautiful earrings you got her. And I would suggest getting her some of her favorite flowers. Give her the flowers first, oh, and a card, and once she's all teary from the wonderful words you wrote to her in the card, pop out the earrings. But DO NOT open the box for her. She might think you're proposing. Let her open the box...Supposing the earrings come in a box. They should, though, since they're from Kay's. Anyway, all that to say, I like them.
Reply:they are ok
Reply:I think they look cute but if she's young like 20s and up go for something that hangs down or a necklace is always available :)
Reply:This is a really nice idea! The earrings are good quality. However, I am not 100% sure about the color. Can you picture her wearing green earrings? I know it's her birthstone. But some people aren't fond of their birthstone color. If she has other jewelery this color, then go for it! Otherwise, maybe go for a color that is more popular and that she can wear more often.
Reply:wow those are really pretty.

my birthstone is emerald as well, and these are gorgeous. studs are the simplist but cutest earrings; in my opinion.

good job.. =]
Reply:Those are gorgeous! I would buy the extra care insurance and wrap them up! I'm sure she'll love them.
Reply:they are very pretty good job she will love them


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