Monday, August 3, 2009

I will be traveling this weekend from California to Arizona for a birthday?

I wanted to bring a vase with flowers with me, how can I keep them from wilting on the trip. It is about 31/2 hours. I am worried about the heat and the elevation difference.

I will be traveling this weekend from California to Arizona for a birthday?
If you are really concerned, you can put them in a portable cooler, the kind where you dump a bag of ice in it. The ice will also keep the vase from tipping over. It will keep them fresh as a daisy. Pun intended. Elevation change is nothing to worry about.
Reply:First you should check with the Agricultural Inspection people in Arizona to find out if you can bring that species of flowers into Arizona from California. You wouldn,t want to take them with you only to have then confiscated by the people at the Arizona Ag Insp check point.
Reply:Just make sure there's enough water in the vase and you put the flower food in it too. Keep your car as cold as possible, try cooling down your car 10 minutes before you put the flowers in there.

White Teeth

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