Monday, August 3, 2009

Should I or should I not send my ex-b/f a birthday present?

My ex and I broke up a few mons back. He broke up with me without saying anything. I did a few mistakes when I dated him also. I saw on his myspace that he is "In a Relationship" but I asked him if he already has/seeing someone else. He replied, "would have great cuz i don't". I mean, a guy will never admit that he already has a g/f if he's still single? I just wanted to send him a flowers/a card to say happy brithday and nothing more than that. I am still pondering if i should. I mean, when I dated him I broke up with him ten million times and we got back together then broke up again..on and off relationship for 6 mos. We talked via AIM like friends, last spoken was two days ago.. I am the type of person who believes in "good karma". I mean, if he aalready has a g/f or seeing someone new I'd might put him in an awkward situation and I do not want to be the third person in his relationship or anybody's relationship. Though i miss him lots..

Should I or should I not send my ex-b/f a birthday present?
Reply:well... you can... but if he has someone new dont... that will only make things bad and he might get mad at you and thats sooo not what you want if you want him back. im curious to know why yall broke up so many times.
Reply:I would keep it to a card, max. I'm with you, to a point. It is going to look like you're trying to get back with him least that's what most guys would think.
Reply:if you feel like you have to send something just send a card you guys broke up you don't want to give him a great gift but if your still friend give him a card
Reply:DON"T DO IT!!!! I've had personal experience with this matter, I made the horrible mistake of letting it slip that I still missed one of my Ex-bfs and anytime one of my friends runs into him, he STILL asks if I'm heartbroken over him...we were 16 when we dated and I'm almost 21 now...don't do it It's a major mistake! It will make you appear desperate and obsessive!!!
Reply:What ever floats your boat.
Reply:not!!! -
Reply:Not just no, but HELL no!
Reply:do what you want if you feel comfertable just end him a card or some thing but nothing to much or eles he will think your obbesed or some thing and just write have a happy birthday from.... nothing more
Reply:Respect the fact that he is involved with someone else and leave it be... If you send a gift it will just create trouble between him and his girlfriend . You say your talking like friends again. If you cause trouble in his relationship , You will probably NEVER hear from him again. If a woman did something like that to me, I would have some very strong negative feelings towards her..If you really like him, then don't send him a gift.. How would you feel if some girl you didn't know sent your boyfriend a gift? What would you be thinking? Not a very comfortable thought is it? I hope this has helped you some and i wish you well!!
Reply:sence it sound like youre friend just tell him if u can send him a b-day present if he says yes than theres youre answer . and dont be afraid to ask if youre still good friends than you should be able to ask him haveing a on and oof relationship isnt healthy if you do get back together try to keep it that way...breakeing up cant be the aswer to all youre problems
Reply:no way- don't ever go first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know you miss him but let HIM chase you.

Don't be ":that girl" - she always get treated like crap !

Go get yourself some new shoes with the money!
Reply:If you still want to be friends with him, you should send him a gift on a mutual base. I think that you should'nt get your hopes up though to whether you'll be getting back together. You should tell him how you feel.
Reply:No flowers - Just a card. The thought will radiate into friendship.
Reply:I would just give him a call or text him to say happy birthday. Probably don't send anything just in case he does have a new girlfriend.
Reply:hun i think that if you and your guy are still speaking civil towards each other and you still consider each other friends that you should go for it and get him a little something. a nice card and maybe a gift certificate, you don't wanna seem like your still with him so a giftcard would be the perfect gift ... try to remember his fav restaurant or think of a place that might bring up memories of the two of you together.

skin disease

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for your advice guys, it helped me a lot, I went to and followed their step by step instructions and it worked perfectly, now me and my girlfriend are back together.
